Tonsillitis treatment in prayagraj -

18/14/1D Amar Nath Jha Marg, Cooperative Chauraha, George Town, Allahabad - 211002, Near Toshi Pathology

Tonsillitis Treatment

Tonsils are situated at the back of the throat. They are collections of lymphoid tissue that form part of the immune system.


The most common symptoms of tonsillitis include:

  • a sore throat and pain when swallowing
  • red and swollen tonsils with pus-filled spots
  • high temperature
  • headache
  • difficulty swallowing
  • pain in the ears and neck
  • tiredness


Surgery used to be a relatively common approach to dealing with tonsillitis. Today, tonsillectomies are not used unless the condition is chronic and recurring. For instance, if a person experiences tonsillitis seven times within a single year or 3 episodes per year for 3 consecutive years, a doctor would probably consider surgery.

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